Monday, February 28, 2022


 I think these might be from the 1988 Hicks family reunion. Not sure.

L-R: Lowell, Bernice, Olan, Vernell, Evalee, Cleffie, Irene, Ruby
These are all of Ulys & Annie's children except Elvin (who died in 1974)
Lined up in order of birth (right to left -- Ruby's the firstborn)

Same group, with spouses: Lowell & Elaine, Bernice & Bill, Olan & Barbara, Vernell & Ray, Evalee & Charles, Cleffie, Irene, Ruby & Jack

Not sure if this was a reunion, or maybe a church gathering. Vernell in the red sweater, Bernice in red vest with white collar, Bill (Bernice's husband) in white jacket.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

More random reunion pics

More random reunion pictures

Photo: Cleffie, Oma Dell, Bill Rogers, et al

Photo: Cleffie, Vernell, Ray, Ruby

Photo: Evalee and Charles, center

Friday, February 25, 2022

More random reunion pics

More random reunion pictures

Bill and Bernice Hicks Rogers, Dale and Cindy Bridges Haigler (Bernice's daughter)

Bottom left: Charles and Evalee Hicks Jones

L-R: Cleffie, Olan, Vernell, Bernice, Ruby. 
Five of Ulys & Annie Hicks' nine children. Ruby was the oldest, Bernice was next-to-youngest. Lowell (not pictured) was the youngest. 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Reunions, miscellaneous

 Pictures from reunions, but I'm not sure which ones.

Photo: Bernice Hicks Rogers, Vernell Hicks Leatherwood, Bonna Lee Holmes, Avis Patterson, Evalee Hicks Jones

Photo: Cleffie Hicks Burford, Irene Hicks Barnett, Bernice Hicks Rogers, Bill Rogers, Oma Dell Barnett Hawley, Avis Patterson

Photo: Elaine Hicks, Vernell Hicks Leatherwood, Lowell Hicks

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Random reunion pictures


These appear to be pictures from some sort of reunion, but I honestly don't know when or where.
Photo: Charles Jones, Cleffie Burford, Bonna Lee Holmes and husband Charles Edwards

Photo: bottom left - Charles and Evalee Jones. 

Photo: Bill and Bernice Rogers, Elaine and Lowell Hicks

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Reunions album, final

 These are the last of the pages in the Reunions photo album. To tell the truth, I'm not sure exactly which reunions some of these pictures are from. Some of them are from the Judsonia school reunion in 1991, but some are not. 

Which photo album should I start on next??? Arnold/Carter/Hicks? Burfords? Thomas/Treat/Parker? Annie & Ulys progeny? Carter/Arnold extended family? 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Judsonia school reunion 1991

Judsonia school class of 1941

The only person I know in these photos is Evalee Hicks Jones. All of the Hicks siblings are gone now. As far as I know, none of us succeeding generations are familiar with any of these classmates.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

1991 Judsonia school reunion

 Judsonia school reunion 1991

I have a bunch of pictures from the 1991 Judsonia school reunion, the 50th reunion of the class of 1941. I also have a bunch of pictures that include some of these same people, but are labeled 1988, or are not labeled by year or occasion. So I'm just going to say up front that I'm not entirely sure that all the pictures in this part of the album are from the 1991 reunion. There was a Hicks family reunion in 1988, and I think I have mixed up some of the pictures from that reunion with some of the pictures from the 1991 Judsonia school reunion.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Reunions album - Judsonia school 50 year reunion, class of 1941


All these are people I don't know, except for Charles Jones. He was the husband of my great-aunt Evalee Hicks. I was not at this reunion. These pictures were among the carload of family photos my mom gave me in 2017. She was not at the reunion, either. These would have been among my grandmother's (Cleffie) things when she passed away.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

1994 Carter/Arnold reunion - final

 1994 Carter/Arnold reunion - final
These are the last pictures from 1994 in the Reunion album. 

The page below (red background) is from one of the reunions, I think -- but I'm really not at all sure when or where this picture was taken.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Cleffie with cousins Obie and Opie

 Carter/Arnold reunion 1994
Top: Cleffie, Alvis, Vernell
Bottom: Ruth Carter?, Ruby, Cleffie (background: Charles, Vernell, Bernice)

Top left: Ruby, Irene, Cleffie, Evalee, Vernell, Bernice
Top right: Obie, Opie, Cleffie
Bottom left: Cleffie
Bottom right: Bernice, Wathada, Ruby

*   *   *
Obie and Opie were born 19 September 1917, Cleffie was born 08 August 1917

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Carter/Arnold reunion 1994

 Carter/Arnold reunion 1994
Top left: Sylvia and Cleffie
Top right: Oma Dell and Bernice
Bottom left: Irene (in pink) and Evalee
Bottom right: Cleffie

Top: Obie, Sylvia, Ruby
Bottom: Oma Dell and Wathada

Monday, February 14, 2022

Sylvia, Hope, Dorothy Mae


Top: Hope, Dorothy Mae, Sylvia (daughters of Uncle Marlie and Aunt Birdie)
Bottom: Alvis Jackson family (Alvis is the son of Aunt Ettie)

*   *   *

Here are a couple more pictures of Aunt Birdie and Uncle Marlie

And a picture of Aunt Birdie (right) with Sylvia, Hope, and Dorothy Mae

Sunday, February 13, 2022

All of Ulys & Annie's kids

 Carter/Arnold reunion 1994
Top: Oma Dell (at table), Obie (blue dress), Ruby (right)
Bottom: Cleffie and Vernell (center), Obie & Opie in background
I don't know the other people in these pictures

Top: Vernell (maroon pants), Bernice (blue pants), Charles & Evalee (striped shirt)
Bottom: Ruby (center), Sylvia (right)
I don't know the people in the background

*   *   *

As you can imagine, photographs of all nine of Annie and Ulys Hicks' living children are few and far between. 
1930 - Ulys & Annie with all nine children, plus Ruby's husband Arvil and their daughter Oma Dell

1960 - Annie & Ulys' golden anniversary 
(L-R Ruby, Cleffie, Irene, Lowell, Elvin, Olan, Vernell, Evalee, Bernice - arranged by height, not age)

Also 1960 - arranged by age, front to back (right to left): Ruby, Irene, Cleffie, Elvin, Evalee, Vernell, Olan, Bernice, Lowell

*   *   *

Elvin died in 1974, the first of the nine siblings to pass away. To my knowledge, these are the only existing photographs of all nine of them together.
1990 - Lowell, Bernice, Olan, Vernell, Evalee, Cleffie, Irene, Ruby

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Featuring Vernell and Bernice

 1994 Carter/Arnold reunion
Top: Alvis Jackson, Vernell Hicks Leatherwood
Bottom: Ruby Hicks Barnett, Sylvia Arnold Dye

Top: bottom left Cleffie and Ruby, bottom right Vernell and Bernice
Bottom: Bernice Hicks Rogers and Vernell Hicks Leatherwood

*   *   *

Here is my favorite picture of Vernell:
She's the one pointing at something over there. Isn't she just the cutest thing?

Here's a picture of Bernice and Vernell with their young husbands:
Here is a cropped version of that photograph: