Tuesday, January 26, 2021

January 26

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO... Ellis Gard 1908-1908, Flossie Gard 1908, Ronald Lynn Tatum 1959, and Samantha Faye Hernandez 1989.

I don't have pictures of any of these people. But I have a picture of Ronald Lynn Tatum's mother, Opie Arnold Tatum. Opie was a first cousin to my grandmother, Cleffie, and they were the same age. Here's a picture of Cleffie and Opie with Opie's twin sister Obie...

And here is a picture of Opie as a teenager with Elmer Reed. 

Eighty-some-odd years later, Elmer Reed married my grandmother, Cleffie. They had known each other as teenagers and re-connected at a family reunion. Yes, that's right -- she met her husband at a FAMILY REUNION. Well, you see, Elmer's brother Elvin had married Opie's sister Wilma (when she was not quite 15 years old), so that would explain why Elmer would have been at the annual Arnold/Carter family reunion. 

Cleffie and Elmer met up at the family reunion one year and got married in 1999 when she was 82 and he 84 years old.

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